Everyone likes to feel like they are getting an exclusive deal on a service, item or event. Promo codes are a great way to promote early sales and engage customers late into the sales cycle. Quickly set up a promo code by providing a start and end date and let us do the rest. Promo codes can be set up for the whole organization, or a single facility or even a single program.
The text entered to access the discount
A description of the promo code. This is not displayed anywhere but is for internal use only.
The discount type can either be a fixed price or a percentage off.
The value of the discount. If percent off discount type selected and 20 has been entered for the discount value, that would be a promo code for 20% off.
The start date and time that the promo code can be used from.
The end date and time that the promo code can be used until.
When a facility is defined, the promo code can only be applied to events and services offered at the selected facility.
When a program is defined, the promo code can only be applied to services for this program.